Why Does Your Dentist Recommend a Bone Graft?

Conceptually, jawbone grafts are fairly simple. New bone, or bone-like…

Why Snacking Can Hurt Your Teeth

We’re not going to tell you to stop snacking entirely, so you can cross that…

Chewing Gum Can Help Your Teeth

That is, if the gum is sugarless. Gum with sugar in it still isn’t good for…

Sports Dentistry, Mouthguards and More!

Sports dentistry is a relatively new field in dentistry, with several slightly…

Not Just the Tooth Fairy: Dental Traditions for Kids

The Tooth Fairy is an important tool to help kids cope with the potentially…

Children Should Develop Good Dental Care Habits Early. Here's Why.

You should value dental hygiene in your children for the same reasons you value…

Woman with healthy smile

Easy Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up with your dental health. Here are…

Woman holding mouthwash

Alcohol-Based vs. Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

When modern mouthwash was first invented, it contained alcohol that stabilized…

Girl who lost a baby tooth

The Magical Origin of the Tooth Fairy

Many children today look forward to losing their teeth & the subsequent…

Woman using mouthwash

The History of Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be a useful addition to your oral health routine & can help…