Commonly Asked Questions

Do you file my insurance claims?

As a courtesy to all our patients, we are happy to file your claims & maximize your insurance benefits. Our team are experts in navigating dental insurance & representing your best interests.

What insurances do you take?

Most insurances work well in our office. If we happen to be an out-of-network provider with your insurance, we will still be happy to file your claims & work with your insurance to maximize your benefits. In some cases, if we are out-of-network with your insurance, insurance will mail the check to you instead of the dental office. On the day of your dental treatment, you will be asked for payment unless another arrangement is made.
*Keep in mind that usually, your dental insurance is separate from your medical. Please ensure you have the correct insurance carrier information.

What if my insurance doesn’t cover my treatment?

Unlike medical insurance, dental insurance is meant to help cover very basic needs. Your treatment diagnosis is based on what is best in order to keep your teeth for your lifetime.
Because insurance is often not sufficient to cover normal patient dental needs, we offer payment options to help you afford long-lasting, functional beautiful treatment. We realize that utilizing your total insurance benefit is essential & we work hard to get that payment for you.

Do you have a missed appointment charge?

In order to avoid a $60/hour of scheduled treatment time charge, we ask our patients to kindly provide a two-business-day notice when needing to change or cancel an appointment. In doing so, it allows us to offer this appointment opportunity to another patient.

Is there a returned check charge?

We do charge a $50 fee when there are insufficient funds to cover your check.

Do I need to have my dental records sent over to your office prior to my dental visit?

This would not be necessary as we usually take our own images to ensure proper diagnostic care. If you still wish to have your x-rays sent over or had your x-rays taken within the year, feel free to have your previous dentist email your records over to

Appointments 7AM-7PM & on Saturdays!

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