Halloween is quickly approaching!

Have you gone out to do your last minute Halloween shopping? We’re sure many of you are on the hunt for large bags of candy – chocolates, gummies, tasty sweet treats, right? Now many people think this holiday is all about the kids, but let’s be honest, who doesn’t sit around picking through their kids bags of candy after they have gone to sleep or eaten the left over candy you didn’t get to pass out to other people’s kids? This year, how about trying some Halloween Candy Alternatives.

For those who are interested, there are many great Halloween Candy Alternatives that can be cheap, creative and fun for everyone of all ages. Whether you are making fun little goody bags for a party or giving treats out for Halloween, everyone will be sure to love these items.

  1. Stickers – everyone loves a good sticker
  2. Glow sticks/necklaces – these are fun and great to walk around wearing while you’re out trick-or-treating
  3. Temporary Tattoos
  4. Dollar store goodies – anything from the dollar store to the fabulous $3 and under section at your local Target will provide hours of fun for your friends and family
  5. Bubbles – who doesn’t love bubbles?
  6. Play-Doh – okay, this one might be a little messy, but why not spend a few minutes building something fun with your kids
  7. Crayons, school supplies, markers – make an art project for the night or the weekend; adult coloring is all the rage right now, why not take a night to color and let go of some of that pent up stress!

Halloween is only the beginning of a great holiday season. We at Marina Tooth Fairy Dental hopes everyone starts moving towards Halloween Candy Alternatives this Halloween.

Happy Halloween!

Source: Park Avenue Dental & Modern Mom

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